I took on a new role with an organization in Canada a while ago. In Canada, organizations do not have to pay severance if you are let go during your probationary period.

About one week before the end of my probationary period, my employer found out that I am gay. The day before the end of my probationary period, I was terminated. My manager said they did not have to give me severance pay because it was before the end of the trial period, but they would give me a couple of thousand dollars in severance if I signed an NDA. At the meeting, they had the cheque & the NDA on the table. They had done this before and were prepared for it.

The NDA stated I could never speak out against the organization publicly. However, I did sign it because I needed the money, and they let me go out of the blue. I had a single income, no partner, and no savings to support myself. The next day after speaking with former coworkers, I found out I was not the first person they had done this to, and they have a reputation for firing people one day before the three-month trial period cut off.

I do feel like I was fired for being gay. The staff is very conservative and toxic. Because I signed the NDA, I can’t speak to the media. I hope the laws with NDAs change and organizations that do wrong are investigated.


