I was asked to sign an NDA on my first harassment file, negotiated by the national agency […for which I worked …] and union rep. I was a non-member. There was literally no negotiation, and they held the trump cards. I wasn't given much time to go over the situation. It was more or less settle or less. They broke part of the agreement issues in the following 2 years.
Another harassment / bullying file. Was off work due to stress resulting from this bullying, was not allowed to go back into work on required date, and met with a member to negotiate. He refused my verbal requests. The union advised I was to settle for what they thought was a reasonable offer. For their second harassment I should have held out for a stronger settlement. But it was a take it or leave it situation. I still suffer from the fact that I have become a "Chattel" of Silence of the national agency. I cannot understand why they were not at fault right through this whole process. They were only protecting their interests and trying to avoid any publicity