Before filing a workplace harassment complaint, I tried communicating to my boss on several occasions to resolve our strained working relationship, but he refused. He was a local public official for the town. Part of my emotional breakdown was based on how he was treating me. I ended an adulterous relationship that occurred between us many months earlier. Over a period of time, I was experiencing hair loss and was very self conscious, I started wearing hair pieces that resembled my natural hair. At one point the local public official commented that he hates wigs and that they look fake. I felt like he disliked the way I looked and told him that I feel like he hates me. His response was, “I hate people sometimes.” He would point out my faults and stopped communicating with me on several occasions. It was very unprofessional and difficult to work under these circumstances. I needed open communication to do my job effectively. At this point I couldn’t function and was on stress leave for a short period.

I spoke to the HR manager regarding complaints against my boss. She explained the process to file a workplace harassment complaint. I expressed my concerns about the integrity of the process. I pointed out, it was a known fact there was a close personal friendship between the local public official and the mayor. The local public official had admitted details of their relationship to me in confidence.

I spoke about the CAO’s relationship with the local public official and provided confidential information to why I felt the CAO would be bias. She listened to my concerns but cautioned me that the outcome may not be what I expect. I understood the HR Manager’s position on this matter and her role to protect the Town. I filed a workplace harassment complaint against the local public official. I provided explicit emails and pictures from him that also included a sexual act he requested me to do for him. This act happened twice at the workplace on town time. He also requested explicit videos and pictures of me. I complied to his advances and did and said what he asked of me.

A lengthy investigation took place. I spoke about everything that occurred. I explained that I felt vulnerable to the local public official.

It was embarrassing and humiliating as I didn’t even like him that way, but I went along with it. When I put a stop to it, I was hoping that things would go back to normal between us. I did not falsify or exaggerate anything the local public official said to me or what occurred between us. During the investigation he blamed me, twisted the truth, and made up several false allegations to discredit my character. He even spoke about a theory as to why I reported him to HR. If the local public official really believed I was pursuing him, why didn't he say no. He was the person in a position of authority.

The reason I felt pressured to sign a NDA is they returned the local public official (who was in my complaint) back to his position which was right beside my workstation. It was an unhealthy environment, and I was upset on a daily basis. From my perspective this was a tactic to get me to just quit. I regret not seeking legal advice earlier, as I now realize, my options at that time were limited. I was on the brink of an emotional breakdown. I was taking medication for anxiety and also losing my hair and knew I had to get my life back on track. I gave in and signed the NDA. Looking back, I regret it as I was not in my proper state of mind to make such an important decision.


