Story 119

I found myself in a complex legal process in the UK, and I was repeatedly prejudiced by the court after moving overseas, including not being served paperwork multiple times, having hearings scheduled as in-person instead of remote, and a general negative demeanour. After a particularly virulent hearing to appeal the reinstatement of my case that had been struck out, I was left depressed, crying, and unable to eat much for days. Since the court was not going to allow me to continue, I offered to settle with the company for their legal fees. Months prior, I had left them a Google review, which had been removed. I noticed this and reinstated in a few days before the settlement was offered. The agreement had non-disparagement clauses within it that referred to the future. I was given only a few hours to decide, but I wanted this all behind me, as this had been going on for years. Within an hour of signing the settlement and the opposition filing with the court to vacate the case, they demanded I remove the review with the threat of a lawsuit if I did not. It was early in the morning, and I found the threat jarring, especially since they would have known about the review in advance of the settlement but did not act until after. I removed the wording, but left the one-star rating. I was told this was not enough and I guess I will find out tomorrow if they intend to file suit over it or, perhaps, I will remove it. It is bullying and I feel it was entrapment to wait until after the settlement was agreed to make these threats. 


Story 118