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In Canada Can’t Buy My Silence are working province by province to create legislative change.


Prince Edward Island
In 2021 PEI was the first province in Canada to legislate to limit the use of NDAs in cases of sexual misconduct through their Non Disclosure Agreements Act This amendment was modeled on the Bill that CBMS collaborated on drafting in Ireland.

On July 1, 2023, the Ontario Bill 26 came into effect which bans universities from using NDAs in cases of sexual harassment. Find out more


On June 6, 2023, Ontario MPP and NDP Justice Critic Kristyn Wong-Tam tabled a new Bill which would restrict the use of non-disclosure agreements in cases of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and sexual assault. (Bill 124 - Stopping the Misuse of Non-Disclosure Agreements Act, 2023.)

British Columbia

BC Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau tabled BILL M 217 – 2024 : NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS ACT on May 6, 2024. The bill would make it illegal for employers and other organizations to use NDAs in cases of harassment or discrimination.

Manitoba's NDA Bill completed the Committee stage in 2022. This is where lawmakers look at the detail and the arguments for the Bill and can hear from members of the public who sign up to testify. On Wednesday November 2nd 2022, more than 20 people, many of them speaking about their NDAs for the first time, testified to the Committee of lawmakers. They could talk about their NDAs because Committee testimony is covered by "parliamentary privilege". Watch here

The Bill died on the order paper with the provincial election in November 2023. CBMS is working to bring it back with the new NDP government.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia NDP Leaders Claudia Chender tabled Bill 144- Non-disclosure Agreements Act on April 7, 2022.

On November 8th 2023 , Saskatchewan become the latest Province to table a Bill to Ban NDAs which has passed its first reading The Saskatchewan Employment (Fairer Workplace, Better Jobs). Amendment Act, 2023 Bill 613 

In May 2023 Senator Marilou McPhedran introduced a federal bill to prevent government and government funded organizations from misusing NDAs to cover up misconduct or to enforce NDAS using public monies, This would affect 400,000 federal employees and federally funded agencies. Find more here.